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Google Analytics

Google Analytics 4 has rolled out a new feature to help you segment, target and optimise your marketing campaigns for your most valuable audiences.

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September 19, 2023

Google Analytics 4 has rolled out a new feature to help you segment, target and optimise your marketing campaigns for your most valuable audiences.

There are several benefits of knowing your audience; by identifying the most active and profitable segments of their audience, marketers can gain insights into their ideal customers. This can help them tailor their marketing strategies to suit their preferences and needs, which could increase conversions and ROI.

To view your report, follow these steps:
1. Sign in to your Google Analytics Account.
2. Select the 'reports' button under the menu.
3. Select ‘user’ and scroll to attributes.
4. Click  ‘audiences’.

The switch will provide more data and is customisable, which means you can see what is important to you. With Google Analytics 4, you can track how customers interact with your website and app across different platforms. You can also use AI and machine learning to get more in-depth insights into your users' behavior.

If you want to read more, we recommend checking out this article from Neil Patel:

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